
May 09-For Women only! Lunch at Strawberry Hill.
We will depart from the center at noon 
and have lunch at 1pm. You will also have time to shop.

May 10-Mini golf at Fireside Golf. This is a Senior Games event,
but also for those who just want to have fun.
We will depart from the center at 9:15am. There is a fee.
We will have lunch at a local restaurant.

May 17-Bowling at Autumn Lanes at 10am. Please be at the center by 9:15am.
This is a Senior Games event,
but also for those who just want to have fun.
Senior Games participants' cost is $5.00, all others is $6.50.
We will have lunch afterwards at Big Dave's.

Sign ups begin May 01.

Please call the Meeting Place to reserve or for more information at (828) 894-0001.